Rules & Regulations


1. Physical Examination

A. A yearly physical examination is required. Athletes needing physicals during the current sport season must complete them prior to the start of the season. A current physical examination is required to be on file 2 weeks BEFORE participation in any try-out, practice, or contest in interscholastic athletics at Waterford High School. In accordance with the policy of the Waterford Board of Education, the physical examination for sports is valid for 13 months only. Please note, if a player does not have a current physical form on file, he/she's registration will not be approved and he/she will be ineligible to participate in sports.

A copy of the current physical exam form must be submitted to the school nurse. DO NOT LEAVE PHYSICAL FORM WITH A COACH OR THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR.

B. Physicals are obtained from your own physician. A Health Assessment Record (HAR – 3) must be completed and returned to the nurse.

2. Illness or Injury during Sport Season

A. All injuries or illnesses during the sport season must be reported to the coach.

B. Any athlete who becomes ill or injured during the sport season may not return to practice or participate until cleared through the nurse's office.

C. The treating physician must complete an Athlete Injury and Return to Play form. Do not return this form to your coach. The only person who can clear you is the school nurse.

D. Athletes who donate blood during a blood drive should consider the recommendations of The American Red Cross: It is not a good idea to practice vigorously or compete right after giving blood. When you give blood, you temporarily lose some body fluids. It takes several hours for your body to replenish itself. A lot of strenuous activity could cause dehydration; therefore, if you must practice after donating, take it easy, and if you are scheduled to compete the day of a blood drive, don't give blood.

3. Scholastic Eligibility

A. In order to participate in athletics at Waterford High School a student must be passing four credits of work. This is assessed each marking period the day report cards are issued. All fall athletes must have passed four credits of work from the final grades the previous year.

B. Athletes cannot turn 19 years of age before July 1st of any year.

C. All other rules of eligibility are available in the school athletic office.

4. Uniforms and Equipment  

Athletes are responsible for all school owned uniforms and equipment issued to them. We expect that you will treat these items with the appropriate respect. Any uniform or equipment not returned must be paid for at a replacement cost.

5. Disqualification Rule

When an athlete is disqualified during a contest for flagrant misconduct or unsportsmanlike conduct, that athlete is ineligible to participate in any contest until withheld from the next contest at the same level.

6. Insurance

Please refer to the Parental Permission Slip which has an explanation of Waterford High School's status as a “Secondary Insurer."

7. Missing Practice

Attending practice is an important responsibility of the athlete. If it becomes necessary for an athlete to miss a practice it is the responsibility of the athlete to get the coach's permission prior to missing practice. Failure to do this may result in disciplinary action.

8. Travel

We expect that all athletes will travel to and from athletic contests in transportation provided by the athletic department. The only exception to this rule is the Principal granting prior permission for a student to be transported by a parent/guardian.

9. Attendance Policy

Athletes will be allowed to participate in practice/contest only if they are in school for four hours that day. The Principal may approve individual exceptions when arranged in advance.

10. Early Dismissal

It is the responsibility of the athlete to see their teachers in the classes they will miss because of an athletic contest. All work missed will be made up at the convenience of the teacher.

11. Vacation Policy

Part of the commitment you make as an athlete is the commitment of time, practice time and game time. Vacations during the season should be avoided if at all possible. Missing practice or games is disruptive to the entire team and to the team goals. Parents/athletes wishing to do so should reassess their commitment to being an athlete. In the event absence due to a vacation occurs, parents/athletes should be willing to assume the consequences related to their absence.

12. Athletic Awards

A. Each athlete who completes a season in a sport as a Freshman and who has met the criteria as outlined by the Head Coach shall receive Freshman numerals signifying his/her year of graduation.

 B. Each athlete who completes a season in a Junior Varsity sport and who has met the criteria as outlined by the Head Coach shall receive a Junior Varsity letter. Each athlete may receive only one Junior Varsity Letter during his/her career at Waterford High School.

C. Each athlete who completes a season in a Varsity sport and who has met the criteria as outlined by the Head Coach shall receive a Varsity letter. Each athlete may receive only one Varsity letter during his/her career at Waterford High School.

D. Each athlete who completes a season in any sport and who has met the criteria as outlined by the Head Coach shall receive a certificate signifying participation in that sport.

E. Seniors who have participated in a sport and who have met the criteria as outlined by the Head Coach shall receive team photos in that sport.

F. Athletes designated as team Captains by the Head Coach of that sport shall receive a Captain pin to designate leadership in that sport.

G. Each sport may make available a Most Valuable Player Plaque given to that athlete, chosen by a method determined by the Head Coach, who was most valuable to the team's performance that year.

H. Each sport may make available a Coach's Award Plaque to that athlete whom the Head Coach deems most deserving of being recognized for outstanding contribution to the team.

Additional Awards

I. Members of an ECC Championship team shall receive appropriate patches to signify that achievement. The Head Coach shall determine the designation of those to be awarded.

II. Members of a CIAC State Championship team shall receive appropriate picture plaques signifying that achievement. The Head Coach shall determine the designation of those to be awarded.

III. Athletes who attain All-State status by the CHSCA or by a media outlet recognized as official by the Waterford High School Athletic Department shall receive All-State photographs as well as attendance to the official awards presentation of that group's awards. Waterford High School shall pay for the athletes and coaches attendance at that presentation. The exceptions will be the National Football Foundation Hall of Fame Scholar-Athlete Presentation and the CIAC Scholar-Athlete dinner at which Waterford High School will pay for one table of participants as outlined by Waterford High School Athletic Department practice. IV. It is further recognized that there is an array of additional awards available to Waterford High School athletes through a variety of recognized award-giving organizations and special interest groups.


Major Offenses

Waterford High School athletes are students first: therefore, all Level II and Level III violations of the school discipline code (listed in the student handbook) will be referred by the coach to the Athletic Director. The Athletic Director will notify a school administrator. The administrator will determine the necessary discipline. When the athlete is reinstated he/she may return to athletics the same day. The athlete may practice, but the coach will determine when the athlete is fit for competition. Serious offenses will be dealt with on a per case basis by the administration and Athletic Director. Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege not a right. Inappropriate behavior may result in the loss of that privilege.

If found using, selling, or possessing drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, tobacco (including "smokeless" or "chewing"), or arrested in any event where drugs or alcohol are involved, he/she will be suspended from the team and will be referred to the school administrator for further action.

Team Rules

The coach for each sport will be responsible for establishing team rules (i.e. missing practice, tardiness, inappropriate behavior during a practice or competition etc.). Each coach should provide his/her athletes with a copy of the team rules.

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