The Landscape Club was formed with these goals in mind:
- To enhance the pleasant and inviting environment of the Waterford High School Campus by maintaining the existing landscape and developing new gardens.
- To provide students with practical hands-on experience of growing and caring for plants while earning Learning Through Service (LTS) Hours.
- To foster awareness of and respect for the environment by using environmentally responsible gardening methods.
The Landscape Club was originally known as the Courtyard Garden Group, and then, when the old building was demolished, it was renamed the WHS Campus Garden Club. It was formed in 2006, when Ms. Joan Mullins and Ms. Jeri Baker decided to tackle the jungle of weeds and restore the courtyard garden next to the cafeteria of the old building.
The old courtyard garden was created by Ms. Barbara Rafferty and her biology classes. Over the years they worked on a composting project; transplanted holly shrubs and burning bushes; planted daffodils, daylilies and other perennials, a weeping willow; and they created a patio area of landscape ties and crushed stone on which they placed picnic tables. Later Mrs. Rafferty’s sophomore students designed and planted a memorial garden next to the old art rooms in memory of Christa Traver, a student who lost her battle to leukemia. Before the old building was demolished, the plants from this garden were relocated to the flower bed at the main entrance of the school on Rope Ferry Road. Many of the plants in the present courtyard such as the black-eyed-Susans, the lilacs and the holly shrubs were transplanted from the old school gardens. The daffodils were replanted under the oak trees along the driveway running parallel to Rope Ferry Road.
During the school year, the Landscape Club meets on Fridays after school from 2:10 to 2:40. We begin in Room 214 for refreshments and to sign in and then we go outside. Sometimes there will be additional meeting times for special projects. The club also meets during the summer. The last meeting before winter is usually around Thanksgiving and the meetings start again in spring – usually in early April.
You should dress in layers, so you can adjust to the weather outside. Remember to use sunscreen. Wear clothes and sneakers that you don’t mind getting dirty. The club will provide gloves, tools, and refreshments: cold water, fruit juice and popcorn!
Any Waterford High School student is welcome to join the club; just show up to the Friday meeting after school in Room 214.
All time you spend working for the club is paid for with LTS Hours. The organizing teachers submit your work times to Mrs. Cairns in the LTS Office. All you need to do is sign in and out of meetings!