Frequently Asked Questions of Parents New to WHS:


Q: Who do I contact if I have a question or desire to meet with my child’s teachers?

A: All general questions can be answered by our office staff. The school phone number is 860.437.6956. Questions needing teacher, counselor or administrative feedback will be directed immediately to the individual teacher, appropriate counselor, the Principal or the Assistant Principal. If a message is noted, all return calls are made within a reasonable amount of time and unless an emergency is indicated will be made after the school day has ended. Please know that your concern is our priority! Also, please feel free, at any time, to contact one of the teachers on your child’s team with any questions or concerns. If you have a question specific to one teacher/class, please contact the teacher directly. To email any staff member, go to the staff directory on the website and select the email icon.

Q: Who can my son or daughter talk to if they have a question or a concern?

A: Any student may talk confidentially with a teacher, a staff member, a counselor, or an administrator. Students may use their study hall time or homeroom time for general concerns or they may request a pass from any classroom teacher to go to the guidance office to discuss an urgent issue. Students can also visit the principal or assistant principal whenever needed.

Q: What is the role of a school counselor?

A: Our school counselors serve a variety of roles from curriculum guidance to individual assistance and college/career planning to educational programs for parents and staff. Waterford High School recognizes the importance of a positive counselor-student/family relationship. WHS counselors are trained, and the school counseling curriculum is designed, to build this rapport. As this rapport needs to build over time, a student’s assigned counselor remains static all four years.  Students are assigned to a school counselor based on alphabetical order, and students-counselor pairings are intended to last for the full high school experience. Incoming 9th graders and transfer students will be assigned a counselor when they enroll at WHS.

Q: What is “Homeroom”?

A: Homeroom is always the first period of the day. During this period, attendance will be taken and students will watch the “Morning Announcements” where they will learn of the current activities happening throughout the school (after-school activities, fundraisers, etc.). 

Q: What should I do if my child is absent from school?

A: Please notify the Attendance Office at 860.437-6964.  Every attempt should be made to confine necessary appointments to after school, weekends, and vacation periods.   When a parent determines that an absence is necessary, parents are requested to contact the school between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence and ask for the attendance office.  Parents should state the reason for the absence.

Q: What should I do if my child is late to school?

A: Please notify the Attendance Office at 860.437-6964 and let us know that your child will be late. If students arrive late, they must report to the attendance office and sign in. 

Q: What is the procedure for students to drive to school?

A: Students driving cars to school must file a student-parking permit. The forms are available in the main office. Students must park in the assigned parking lot. Cars parked illegally will be subject to fines or towing. Repeated parking violations may result in loss of driving privilege.

Q: Is there bus transportation available after school?

A: In addition to the bus service to and from school at the scheduled times, there is a "late bus" service. The late bus leaves the high school at approximately 3:45 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. This service allows students to participate in many extracurricular activities after school. Students will not be allowed to loiter after the close of school. The late bus is a privilege and students must have a late bus pass from the supervising teacher or coach. If students leave school grounds, they will not be allowed to ride the late bus. 

For changes to bus transportation - Any request for a change of bus or bus stop must be processed through the office. A pass will be issued on the morning of the request with a written note from a parent.

Q: How will we know what’s going on in the school?

A: There are several ways that information is conveyed:

  • The morning announcements are available online, parents may sign-up to receive announcements via email – sign-up is available on the website.
  • Each Teacher has a 'Teacher Page' on the web site and may post Class/Team information there.
  • If an important happening arises on your child’s team or is a school-wide event, a notice may be sent via School Messenger.
  • The school’s website also posts upcoming events.

Q: What can students eat for lunch?

A: The students have a choice of bringing their own lunch, getting a complete hot lunch or choosing from an á la carte selection which includes: salads, sandwiches, grinders, fruit, snacks, ice cream, milk, juice, desserts and more. The “mealpay” system is in effect at WHS. Contact www.mypaymentsplus.com for further information. It is an easy way for the students to buy lunch without worrying about bringing money every day. The menu and prices are posted on our website.


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